Open Api
Variable Description
: timestamp (UNIX time/milliseconds){mk}
: Model key (model unique identifier, given by the server){dk}
: device key (device unique identifier, given by the server){un}
: module location (0 is theprimary module
: Module S/N (the module is generally HMI, and its S/N is fixed in the hardware){mach_no}
: Device number (also called machine number, unique code of the device, given by the device primary module settings. If not given, the same as{dn}
: Network status (0=offline|1=online|2=fault){mach_sts}
: Device status (0=idle|1=run|2=fault){errN}
: fault bit (0=normal|1=fault){req}
: MQTT message processing trigger{rid}
: MQTT command task ID
Open API
BASE_URL: {miot_url}/api/das?key={api_key}
- api_key needs to be obtained in Model App/Application Integration. Operations using
api key
are all related to the corresponding model.
- miot_url is different for
public cloud version
andprivate version
Public cloud version (SASS)
:,Private version (op)
: http://server address
error code:
- OK: Success
- NG_KEY: The app is not configured or the configured
is inconsistent with the one given in the request - NG_API: The following
parameter is invalid - NG_MACH_NO: The device name does not exist or is not under the model corresponding to the api key
- NG_MACH_DATA: The configuration parameter data sent is illegal
- NG_MACH_APP_DATA : The app data sent is illegal
- NG_ERR: Server error
Get the device running status
POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_state
- Request:
"mach_no": "{mach_no}", // Device number. If not given, the running status of all devices will be returned in pages
"page_no": 0, // Only valid when the device number is not given, page number (starting from 0), default 0
"page_size": 10 // Only valid when the device number is not given, number of data rows per page, default 10, maximum 50
} - response:
"code": "OK", // Error code
"data": [
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mk": "{mk}",
"iot_sts": 0, // Possible values: 0(offline)/1(online)
"mach_sts": 0, // Possible values: 0(stop)/1(running)/2(fault)
"mach_err": {
"err1": true,
"err3": true,
// ...
"err_def" : {
"err1": "Pot bottom overtemperature",
"err3": "Gear switch failure",
// ...
"mach_ixs": [
{ "ix": "voltage", "iv": 2.1 },
// ...
// ...
Get device history data
POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_data
- Request:
"mach_no": "{mach_no}", // Device number, required
"mach_ixs": ["voltage", "current", ...], // Device parameter list, optional
"data_start": 1676359431233, // Timestamp, greater than 0 means only return data greater than or equal to `data_start`
"data_end": 1676359455175, // Timestamp, greater than 0 means only return data less than or equal to `data_end`
"page_no": 0, // Page number (starting from 0), default 0
"page_size": 10 // Number of data rows per page, default 10, maximum 50
} - response:
"code": "OK", // error code
"data": [
"ts": 1676359455175, // timestamp
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mk": "{mk}",
"mach_ixs": [
{ "ix": "voltage", "iv": 2.1 },
// ...
// ...
### Get device fault data
- `POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_errs`
- Request:
``` json
"mach_no": "{mach_no}", // Device number. If not given, all device operating statuses will be returned in pages
"data_start": 1676359431233, // Timestamp. If it is greater than 0, only data greater than or equal to `data_start` will be returned
"data_end": 1676359455175, // Timestamp. If it is greater than 0, only data less than `data_end` will be returned
"page_no": 0, // Page number (starting at 0), default is 0
"page_size": 10 // The number of rows per page, the default is 10, the maximum is 50
- response:
"code": "OK", // error code
"data": [
"ts": 1676359455175, // timestamp
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mk": "{mk}",
"mach_err": {
"err1": true,
"err2": false,
"err3": true,
// ...
"err_def": {
"err1": "Pot bottom overtemperature",
"err2": "Pot pressure too high",
"err3": "Gear switch failure",
// ...
// ...
Get device meter read data
POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_copies
"day": "{yyyy-MM-dd}" // Meter reading date, accurate to the day (default is the current day)
} -
"code": "OK", // Error code
"data": [
"rid" : "{rid}",
"mach_no" : "{mach_no}",
"node_name" : "{node_name}",
"sts" : "{sts}", // Possible values: Task dispatched (1)/Task failed (2)/End notification (3)/End failed (4)/Task completed (5)
"ts" : 1676359455175, // Timestamp
"mach_ixs" : {
"power": 2,
"err1": 2,
//...same batch
// ...
Get device fault data
POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_errs
"mach_no": "{mach_no}", // Device number. If not given, the running status of all devices will be returned in pages
"data_start": 1676359431233, // Timestamp. If it is greater than 0, only data greater than or equal to `data_start` will be returned
"data_end": 1676359455175, // Timestamp. If it is greater than 0, only data less than `data_end` will be returned
"page_no": 0, // Page number (starting from 0), default 0
"page_size": 10 // Number of data rows per page, default 10, maximum 50
} -
"code": "OK", // error code
"data": [
"ts": 1676359455175, // timestamp
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mk": "{mk}",
"mach_err": {
"err1": true,
"err2": false,
"err3": true,
// ...
"err_def": {
"err1": "Pot bottom overtemperature",
"err2": "Pot pressure too high",
"err3": "Gear switch failure",
// ...
// ...
Get the send task (including status)
POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_task
- Request:
- response:
"code": "OK",
"data": {
"rid": {rid},
"mk": "{mk}",
"cmd": "conf", //conf: configuration parameter delivery pack: application data delivery
"sts": 5, //1: request delivery 2: request failure (device-side task execution failed, or no response message was received within the given time) 5: task completed
"kvs": {
"set_RH": 34
"req_at": "2024-01-24T16:46:15.933571+08:00"
Get the model
POST {BASE_URL}&api=get_mach_dtm
"code": "OK",
"data": {
"mk": "{mk}",
"name": "{name}",
"dtus": 1,
"mach": "{mach}",
"remarks": "",
"ixs": [
"ix": "set_RH",
"un": 0,
"name": "Humidity setting",
"unit": "%",
"ix_kind": "env",
"rw_mode": "rw",
"type": "number",
"remarks": ""
Send device configuration parameters (asynchronous)
Case: Remote lock/unlock
POST {BASE_URL}&api=set_mach_ixs
- Request:
"mach_no": "{mach_no}", // Device number, required
"mach_ixs": { "locked": 1 } // Parameter key-value pair
- response:
"code": "OK" // Error code
Send device application data packets (asynchronous)
The content of the device application data packet does not belong to the object model. Its content is negotiated and determined by the third-party application and the DTU application, and the platform is not aware of it.
POST {BASE_URL}&api=set_mach_app
- Request:
"mach_no": "{mach_no}", // Device number, required
"mach_app": {
// Any content, required
- response:
"code": "OK" // Error code
Web Hook
Web Hook registration configuration is completed in Model App/Application Integration
Third-party applications
receives data and responds uniformly
"code": "OK" // Error code
Device Events
- Push data
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mach_evt": "new" // Possible values: new device (new)/online (on)/offline (off)/running (work)/idle (idle)
Device model data
- Push data
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mach_ixs": {
"active": 1, // Activated (1)/Deactivated (0)
"locked": 1, // Locked (1)/Unlocked (0)
// ...
Device Answer
After the device is configured and sent through the open API (configuration parameters, app data), the device responds (whether it is successful).When the task execution fails on the device side, or no response message is received within a given time, it is considered failed.
- Push data
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mach_ack": {
"ok":true // Successful or not
Device fault data
- Push data
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mach_err": {
"err1": true,
"err3": true,
// ...
App Data
The device app data content does not belong to the data model. Its content is negotiated and determined by the third-party app and the DTU app, and the platform is not aware of it.
- Push data
"mach_no": "{mach_no}",
"mach_app": {
// Arbitrary content, determined by negotiation between the device-side application and the third-party application